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Terra e Sale

Location : Bresighella, Emilia-Romania.

Land : 12 hectares; vines grow on the slope of the Apennines mountain facing south.

Production volume : 10k bottles a year.

Production volume : 6-7k bottles a year.

Soil : Clay, salt and mix sand.

Climate: Warm and dry summer with the moderate effect of cooler nights and misty in the morning due to altitude.

Grape varieties: Sangiovese, Albana, Syrah, Merlot, Canina, Refosco and etc.

Ageing methods: oak barrel, stainless steel, concrete tank.

The vineyard was found in 2016 by a young Italian man in his early 30th, Alan. He represents the first generation of winemakers. Grown passion for agriculture and wine business was a strong driver to walk away from the common lifestyle and move his family to a farm.

We met Alan and his wife in the summer of 2021 during the wine fair in Brisighella. We immediately felt that it was something different and new. Wine was elegant and well-balances.

Terra e Sale ideology is to derail from the traditional standards of the wine making methods and to explore new formulas.

Terra e Sale translated from Italian as "Salty Terrain". Excess of salt in the soil stresses the root system of vines, which benefit the vine on putting energy on producing quality grapes.

Terra e Sale


La Fornace

Location : San-Savino, Predappio, Emilia-Romania.

Land : 5 hectares; vines grow on the slope of the Apennines mountain facing south-east.

Production volume : 10k bottles a year.

Soil : Old clay and mix sand.

Climate: Warm and dry summer with the moderate effect of cooler nights due altitude and forest breeze.

Grape varieties : Sangiovese, Albana and Cabernet Sauvignon.

Ageing methods : oak barrel, stainless steel, concrete tank.

Olives varieties : Frantoio, Rondolino, Leccino. 

Originally the winery was established in the 18th century and was producing wines and olives for non-commercial purposes. Cultivated traditions and methods have passed down through 3 family generation. In 2005, the youngest of the family, Marco,  commercialised the name "Cantinata La Fornace" and opened its doors to the local market. Cantina used the old family methods and modern technology to make its product loveable.

We met Marko by accident in the summer of 2020, in one of our drive around across Emilia Romagna region. His hospitality, passion and open-mindedness to support our novel dream of having one day a winery made an encounter memorable. Since then we've been regular visitors of this vineyard. Our families, friends and colleagues, whoever, tried wine from La Fornace always asked to bring a few bottles on return.

Cantina La Fornace is a truly small vineyards situated on the mountain next to the tiny village San-Savino. Location carry the significance for its aged clay, which considered to be most suitable type of soil for the grape variety Sangiovese. Sangiovese is the commonly found grape used for the production of Chianti in Tuscany.

La Fornace


Fattoria Ca'Rossa

Location : Bertinoro, Emilia-Romania.

Land : 5 hectares, vines grow on the slope of the Apennines mountain facing north-east.

Production volume : 50k bottles a year.

Soil : Clay and mix sand reach with minerals and thermo waters running deep underground.

Climate: Warm and dry summer with the moderate effect of cooler nights and morning mist due to altitude.

Grape varieties : Albana, Barbera, Cabernet Sauvignon, Canina Nera, Chardonnay, Malvasia, Nebbiolo, Sangiovese, Shiraz.

Ageing methods : oak barrel, stainless steel, concrete tank.

Olives varieties : n.a.

The vineyard was built in the 60s and passed on to the second generation in 1985. In the early 2000, the course of the winery turned toward lower production volume and attention to the quality. The size of the land has been shortened from 9 to 5 hectares. New varieties of grape vines were planted, which traditionally not regarded as typical for the region Emilia-Romagna.

We met Massimo back in 2019 during the wine degustation at his winery. Such a charismatic and warm personality that makes you want to go back. It was a breaking point of the realisation that we had never tasted an outstanding wine. Ca'Rossa wines are complex and reach in aromas and flavours. This winery has set a stone in our journey that brought us to the point of where we are today.

Fattoria Ca' Rossa is a small vineyards situated on the hills of the tiny village Bertinoro. Vineyard located on the thermo terrain that reach in minerals and underground water. Million of years ago, the sea was covering this lands, which demonstrated with the preserved fossils of marine life on a flash of rocks.

Ca Rossa


Poderi Morini

Location : Torre di Oriolo, Emilia-Romania.

Land : 15 hectares, vines grow on the hilly terrains facing from north to south, east to west.

Production volume : 80k bottles a year.

Soil : Clay, mix sand and rocks.

Climate: Warm and dry summer with the moderate cooling effect from Adriatic breeze and the winds coming from the Apennine between Tuscany and Romagna.

Grape varieties : Albana, Centesimino, Grechetto Pignoletto, Longhanesi and Merlot.

Ageing methods : oak barrel, stainless steel, concrete tank.

The winery was originally established in 1998 by two passioned winemaker Alessandro Morini and his wife, Daniela. They are the fist family generation in Poderi Morini vineyard. The main focus of the winery is to produce quality wine with the highlight on the local grape varieties and to promote the land of Romagna.

We met Alessandro in the summer of 2021 during the wine fair in Brisighella. After tasting a glass of sparkling rose "MoRoso Spumante Brut" and a glass of still white"Dani" with the notes of orange peel we noticed that it was totally different and unique on its own.

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